The MovieStarPlanet Wiki

Heyyyooo,you guys I'm like really bored and I'm like sincerely NEW to these forums so yeah I wanted to talk top y'all bout my adventure it was really cool like....REALLY so it was any normal day hangin with my friends on msp GO FREIND them their users are arctic2moon LovelyGoldRose and I think you can go friend this one too her user is rihannaisapanda and the other one Emily Patton  so I was on arctic (her nickname) wishlist and then I saw rarez and I'm like WTF and like it wasn't even rare week so she was like online and I'm like wtf lemme go ask her so I do and she all like I used a glitch and for msp sake if you still wanna get rares I just don't really wanna tell the glitch cause I don't wanna them to patch it so yeahhhhh but you guys friend me I'm Selena Star101 all my friends servers are USA and so am I so yeah 💩👯👯😎😎😇
